I’m feeling good
I’m feeling airy
I’m feeling free
A beautiful day it’s going to be
Sun kisses my face
You closing your eyes
Waiting for a big surprise
A Lovelace
I’m singing you in my summer dress
It’s simple and light
Full of words of delight
I hope I could meet your high expectation
But if not
I’m sorry that you didn’t understand my translation
You weren’t the right stop for me
Never mind
I’m feeling good
I’m feeling airy
I’m feeling free
A summer dress. Something, that I love so much as summer itself. You really feel airy and free and especially good cause its summer and you wearing a summer dress *laughs...oh god*.
Besides that dresses in general are awesome, its only one piece of clothing so you don't have to think too much about putting an outfit together. And its so much fun cause you have so much to choose from.
At the moment I'm very into floral prints. I love flowers. And I love short cuts. Also, I'm a BIG jewellry lover - more is MORE is my mantra, you know *giggles*.
You can wear a little black dress or a long maxi dress perhaps a sequin dress or an office dress...they're all so different but by the end of the day they're ALL the same. They are dresses.
You may wonder, why did I shoot the pictures in black and white?
Well, I love to get your imagination to get involved *winkswinks* so my closing words for this one are stay mysterious and wear that bloody summer dress!